Monday, December 31, 2012

"Hold My Hand"

"Hold My Hand" - Sold
8 x 10 - Oil
This painting was a challenge for me.  My good friend, Kay Davidson, asked me to paint this picture.  I knew how special this picture was to Kay so it was so important for me to do a great job for her.  I was so excited once I started to see it come together.  I could not wait to get this to her.  Love you Kay! 


16 x 20 - Oil - Sold
I had so much fun painting "Chester".  This painting was a surprise for Richie Spain.  Jennifer, his wife, asked me to paint their dog.  So Jennifer arranged for me to sneak over to the their house and take pictures of Chester while Richie was at work.  Knowing this was a surprise made it so exciting.  Jennifer came to the house several times to see the work in progress.  It was a BLAST!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Like a Tree Planted by the Water - I Shall Not Be Moved"

"Like a Tree Planted by the Water - I Shall Not Be Moved" - Sold
16 x 20 - Acrylic

Nothing like a vacation day from work to enjoy my favorite past time - painting!   I was thinking about what I could name this painting and it just kept coming to me the song that says "like a tree planted by the water I shall not be moved".     Psalms 1:3  "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."  What an awesome scripture!! 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

"New Beginnings"

"New Beginnings"
30 x 40 Oil

Well it has been a while since I finished a painting, but I finally did it.  :)   The only thing left on this one is to sign my name.  Painting the sky was one of my favorite parts of the painting.   There is nothing like looking up at God's creation.  When the sky is so full of color, you realize that only God could make something so beautiful.  It screams of His majesty.    

Monday, January 16, 2012

"Lady In Waiting"

"Lady In Waiting"
24 x 30 - Oils

I had to name this one "Lady In Waiting".    You can't help but wonder what she is thinking about.  Capturing the flesh tones and getting the correct shading on her back was very challenging for me.  This was definitely out of my comfort zone.  However, I was very pleased with the finished product. 

"After Five"

"After Five"
11 x 14 - Oils

Thank goodness I was off work today to put the finishing touches on this painting.  I haven't painted a still life in a long time and truly enjoyed this one.   It is amazing when you paint glass and you begin to add light - it brings the painting to life.