Saturday, April 14, 2012

"New Beginnings"

"New Beginnings"
30 x 40 Oil

Well it has been a while since I finished a painting, but I finally did it.  :)   The only thing left on this one is to sign my name.  Painting the sky was one of my favorite parts of the painting.   There is nothing like looking up at God's creation.  When the sky is so full of color, you realize that only God could make something so beautiful.  It screams of His majesty.    


  1. Vicki
    This painting is fantastic! The colors, composition, and perspective make me feel like I am right in the middle of the field of flowers. You truly have grown as an artist. This is just the best! Have you considered selling prints of your works yet? Let me know if you do. I would love to buy one of this. It is awesome. Your passion is your teacher!
    Carol Ann Hough

    1. Carol - thank you so much! I fell in love with this one myself. I have thought about selling prints but have been told it is very expensive. I need to check into it further. Do you know much about it?

